For 85 years, we’ve been helping to shape a society that’s fairer for everyone – working on issues that affect the whole of society.
Citizens Advice Mole Valley is an independent, registered charity and we form part of a national network of around 320 local Citizens Advice offices.
We are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and are members of National Citizens Advice who audit the quality of our work. Our debt and financial advice is regulated by the Money Advice Service.
We have also been awarded the Advice Service Standard (AQS) by the Advice Services Alliance.
Our team
Citizens Advice Mole Valley is fortunate in attracting and retaining high calibre volunteers who work as generalist advisers, receptionists, admin support workers, trustees and research & campaigns volunteers. Our CEO is supported by an expert team of senior management, supervisory staff and admin support.
If our service wasn’t what you expected or if we’ve let you down, please see our complaints page to let us know.

Our Board of Trustees
The activities of the organisation are overseen by a Board of Trustees who set the overall strategy. The day-to-day running of the organisation is devolved to our CEO. Our Board of Trustees bring a range of skills and experience to Citizens Advice Mole Valley. Their backgrounds incorporate expertise from: the retail and ecommerce sector, general management and HR. Magistrate, publishing & higher education, previous Citizens Advice adviser experience, IT, employment solicitor, and commercial, strategic & financial management and consultancy in the private energy sector.
Our current Board of Trustees are:
Tim Prideaux – Chair Steve Phillips – Treasurer Alok Agarwal
Kristina Kenworthy Christine Dixon Elizabeth Barrett
Janice Persad Katharine Saralis Sarah Marsh
Alison Boyd – CEO

A charity for everyone
Citizens Advice Mole Valley is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive culture for all those who need our services, our volunteers, our staff and other stakeholders. We recognise the positive value of diversity, promoting equality and fairness, and challenging discrimination. We recognise that people with different backgrounds, skills, attitudes and experiences bring fresh ideas and perceptions, and we wish to encourage and harness these differences to make our services more relevant and accessible.
Citizens Advice Mole Valley will not discriminate or tolerate discriminatory behaviour on the grounds of race, colour, sex, gender identity (transgender), disability, nationality, national or ethnic origin, religion or belief, marital/partnership or family status, caring responsibilities, sexual orientation, age, those identifying as non-binary, social class, educational background, employment status, working pattern, trade union membership or any other factor. Our volunteers, staff and Trustee Board members complete training on this area to ensure that inclusive practices are embedded across Citizens Advice Mole Valley.
As part of our commitment to a diverse and inclusive organisation, our Board of Trustees is measuring its diversity across a range of factors. They are committed to audit this annually and will publish a summary of changes on the website.