Adviceline 0808 278 7930 (Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm)

Steve's story

Facing the prospect of bankruptcy

The problem

Steve was a self-employed Director of a successful business for many years. When his business fell on hard times and began operating at a loss, his take home pay fluctuated to such an extent that he was no longer able to manage his significant credit card debts, and he faced the prospect of bankruptcy.

Our intervention

In the first instance we wrote on Steve’s behalf to his creditors asking them to suspend any further action and freeze interest for a one month period. We looked at Steve’s domestic and financial circumstances and drew up a financial statement to decide on the best course of action. As Steve was still taking a small salary from his business and able to manage small monthly payments on his debts, we recommended that he consider an IVA (Independent Voluntary Arrangement). We referred Steve to PayPlan who provide free specialist debt management. They organised a 5 year contract with renegotiated lower, monthly payments with all of Steve’s creditors. Any monies not paid by the end of the 5 year contract would be written off.

The outcome

Steve is now able to manage his money, safe in the knowledge that his debts are being repaid every month at a level which ensures he can live within his means.