Signposting directory
- AdviceNow – information to help you understand your rights and options
- Age UK – information and advice for older people
- Carers UK – advice, information and support
- CPAG – Child Poverty Action Group
- Entitled To – benefits calculator
- Free School Meals – check eligibility and apply
- Gingerbread – advice and information for single parents and their children
- Macmillan – cancer and financial help
- Mole Valley District Council – benefits, funding & grants
- Money Helper – free, impartial guidance to make your money and pension choices clearer
- National Union of Students – representing university and college students across the UK
- Policy in Practice – better off benefits calculator
- Rightsnet – the latest social welfare law developments
- RNIB – Royal National Institute of Blind People
- Scope – disability equality charity
- State Pension – eligibility and how to claim
- Student Finance – check eligibility and help with fees and living costs
- Surrey County Council – Surrey Crisis Fund, household support fund and more
- Turn 2 Us – benefits calculator and grants search
- Action Fraud – where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber crime
- Advice Now – information to help you understand your rights and options
- Buckinghamshire & Surrey Trading Standards – business and consumer advice, fraud prevention, finding reputable traders, stopping nuisance phone calls
- Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline – 0808 223 1133
- International Consumer Centre – advice when you encounter problems buying goods and services from outside of the UK
- Money Saving Expert– deals, guides and tips – founded by Martin Lewis
- TV Licensing – pay your TV license online, sign in to your account
- Protect yourself from TV Licensing scams – information about potential scams related to TV Licensing, including how to spot and report a fake email or text
- Which? – the UK’s consumer champion
- Banking Hub – information about the banking hub in Dorking
- Business Debtline – free debt advice service for the self-employed and small businesses 0800 197 6026
- Christians Against Poverty – help with debt, budgeting and finding work
- Citizens Advice Debt Advice Helpline – 0800 240 4420
- Civil Legal Advice – check if you are eligible
- Community Money Advice – free, confidential debt advice
- Council Tax – Mole Valley District Council
- Debt Advice Foundation – free, confidential debt advice
- Debt Camel – answers to common questions without jargon
- Direct Debit – how to use Direct Debit
- Financial Ombudsman – free service that deals with complaints about financial services providers
- GambleAware – Freephone 24-7 National Gambling Helpline:
- GamCare – advice, information and practical help over the phone and online for anyone affected by problem gambling
- Independent Age – advice for older people on care and support, money and benefits, health and mobility
- Low Incomes Tax Reform Group – help with tax
- Money Helper – free, impartial guidance to make your money and pension choices clearer
- Money Saving Expert – deals, guides and tips – founded by Martin Lewis
- Money Wellness – advice with everything from better budgeting to formal debt solutions
- National Debtline – free, impartial, expert debt advice
- PayPlan – free advice on a wide range of debt solutions
- Pension Wise – a service from MoneyHelper backed by the government, offering free, impartial guidance to over 50s
- StepChange – free debt advice
- South West London Law Centres – advice on social welfare issues including housing, debt, immigration and employment
- Surrey County Council Cost of Living Support – all the financial, health and welfare advice on offer across Surrey
- Surrey Crisis Fund – financial help for Surrey residents who have nowhere else to turn in an emergency or following a disaster. It can also provide assistance to set up a home in the community where no other funds or resources are available. Formerly known as the Local Assistance Scheme
- Tax Aid – tax help for anyone on a low income who has been unable to resolve their problem with HMRC
- Tax Help for Older People – help for over 60s on a low income
- The Journalists’ Charity – provides information, practical support and financial assistance for journalists
- Trussell Trust – Help through Hardship helpline (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) if you’re worried about money and struggling to afford essentials – 0808 208 2138
- AdviceNow – information to help you understand your rights and options
- Disability Law Service – fighting injustice for disabled people
- Disability Rights UK – factsheets and guides providing information about benefits, tax credits, social care and other disability related issues
- Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS) – advice and assistance on issues relating to equality and human rights
- Equality and Human Rights Commission – enforcing equality legislation on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation
- Galop – LGBT+ anti-abuse charity
- Kingston Race and Equalities Council – experts in the field of Race Equality, tackling discrimination & hate crime and promoting the message that Race Equality is a human right
- Scope – disability equality charity
- Stonewall – fighting for the freedom, equity and potential of LGBTQ+ people everywhere
- Surrey Coalition of Disabled People – promoting the rights of Disabled people to have equality of opportunity and to live independently
- Simple Energy Advice – tips and guidance on energy efficiency measures, improvements to your home, and help reduce your energy costs
- Money Saving Expert – up-to-date information on changes in the energy market, simple explainers and guidance on bills
- Ofgem – the official regulator for the energy industry
- Surrey Energy Advice – recommendations for financial support and measures to improve energy efficiency in your home
- Turn 2 Us – could help with energy supplier grants and energy efficiency measures
- Warmth Matters – Surrey Community Action – advice to help people keep warm and spend less on their energy through a wide variety of strategies
- Warm Welcome Scheme – run by Surrey County Council, these are local venues that residents can access for a free hot drink and other support services between November and March
- Age Concern Mole Valley – an independent local charity caring and supporting vulnerable and isolated older people in Mole Valley. Services include IT support, will writing assistance, befriending & visiting, events, tai chi and information & signposting
- Age UK – information and advice for older people
- Alzheimer’s Society – information and support for people recently diagnosed with dementia
- Bereavement Advice Centre – a free helpline and web-based information service provided by Co-op Legal Services
- The Brigitte Trust – support for people facing life threatening illness
- Connect to Support Surrey – find local care and support in your area to help you stay independent, healthy and connected to your community
- Cruse Bereavement Support – bereavement support, information and campaigning
- Fairfield Centre – Mole Valley Life hosts fitness classes for older people, as well as Tai chi, singing, art, knitting and more in the Leatherhead
- Hearing Dogs – information, guidance and support with hearing loss and deafness, including hearing dogs
- Hourglass – information and support to an older person or anyone concerned about an older person who is at risk of, experiencing or recovering from any form of abuse or neglect
- Independent Age – advice for older people on care and support, money and benefits, health and mobility
- Leatherhead Community Hub – where people of all ages can connect, learn, have fun and find the support they need to thrive
- Surrey Adult Services – Surrey County Council
- Will Aid – every November, participating solicitors will write a basic will free of charge in return for a donation to Will Aid
- Action for Carers Surrey – information, emotional support, and advice for carers across Surrey
- Care Choices – information, guidance and reviews to find care solutions
- Care Choices – Surrey Care Services Directory online e-book
- Carers UK – advice, information and support
- Cross Roads Care Surrey – information, advice and practical support to all unpaid carers, their families and the people for whom they care
- Healthwatch Surrey – help with a healthcare complaint
- Leatherhead Primary Care Network – health and wellbeing support in Leatherhead, Bookham, Fetcham and Ashtead
- AdviceNow – information to help you understand your rights and options
- Amber Foundation – space and facilities for young people (aged 18-30) to rebuild their lives by helping them move away from homelessness, out of unemployment and work towards better, brighter and healthier futures
- Bereavement Advice Centre – a free helpline and web-based information service provided by Co-op Legal Services
- The Brigitte Trust – support for people facing life threatening illness
- CAFCASS – Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, representing the interests of children and young people in the family court
- Child Maintenance Service – options for arranging child maintenance
- Coram Children’s Legal Centre – free legal information, advice and representation
- CourtNav – online tool to help you complete an application for non-molestation and/or occupation orders
- Cruse Bereavement Support – bereavement support, information and campaigning
- Dorking Beatitudes – as good as new children’s shop, with clothes, toys and equipment at very reasonable prices
- Families Need Fathers – supporting dads, mums, and grandparents to maintain positive relationships with their children
- Family Lives – provides targeted early intervention and crisis support to families
- Family Mediation Council (FMC) – provides information about family mediation, including a list of FMC registered mediators
- Family Mediation South East – family mediation services online and across the South East
- Family Rights Group – working with parents whose children are in need, at risk or are in the care system & with kinship carers who are raising children unable to remain at home
- FLOWS – a legal support service designed to help protect women against domestic abuse
- Galop – LGBT+ anti-abuse charity
- Gingerbread – advice and information for single parents and their children
- Home-Start East Surrey – a local charity which provides friendship, emotional and practical help to parents with at least one child under eleven years old
- Independent Parental Special Education Advice – free, independent legal advice and support to families of children and young people with SEND
- Kinship – a kinship care charity in England and Wales providing advice to those who step up to raise a child when their parents aren’t able to
- Kinship Carers UK – a national charity that supports and advises family and friends’ carers, often called Kinship Carers or Connected Carers, that are thinking or taking on the role of parenting someone else’s child
- Leatherhead Community Hub – where people of all ages can connect, learn, have fun and find the support they need to thrive
- Mediation Surrey – resolving conflict and rebuilding relationships
- Men’s Advice Line – helpline for male victims of domestic abuse
- Men’s Sheds – improving wellbeing, reducing loneliness and combatting social isolation by offering woodworking and re-purposing in the Shed
- Mole Valley Family Centre – services and activities to support family life
- National Association of Child Contact Centres – providing safe spaces where children can meet the parents they don’t live with
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline/Refuge – 0808 2000 247 24-hour helpline
- National Family Mediation – help for families in conflict, especially those divorcing or separating
- Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Guildford) – Helpline: 01483 546400
- RCJ Advice – legal advice to people with a court case in the civil and family courts in England and Wales
- Refuge – support and safe temporary accommodation for women and children escaping domestic abuse
- Relate (Mid and East Surrey) – mediation, counselling and support services
- Resolution – family justice professionals helping families dealing with separation and divorce
- Rights of Women – a charity that provides free confidential legal advice and information to women on the law in England and Wales
- Separated Dads – help, advice and support for separated fathers
- Southall Black Sisters – services aimed at helping Black and minoritised women live free from all forms of violence and abuse
- Surrey Adult Services – Surrey County Council
- Surrey Care Trust – support for people across Surrey with family matters, unemployment, skills & learning and mental health
- Surrey Family and Children’s Services – Surrey County Council
- The Meeting Room – providing support in the Mole Valley and Epsom areas with issues including homelessness, poverty, physical or mental health difficulties, breakdown of relationships, social exclusion & loneliness and issues with alcohol or drugs
- Will Aid – every November, participating solicitors will write a basic will free of charge in return for a donation to Will Aid
- Women’s Aid – national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children
- Al-Anon – there for anyone whose life is or has been affected by someone else’s drinking. Weekly meetings in Dorking and Cobham. Helpline open 10am-10pm, 365 days a year: 0800 0086 811
- Alzheimer’s Society – information and support for people recently diagnosed with dementia
- British Red Cross – advice regarding cost of living, mobility, refugee services, emergencies in the UK and mental health resources
- Catalyst – working to promote the mental health and wellbeing of people in Surrey, improving lives in terms of stability and wellbeing, with the aim of reducing harm to themselves, their families and the community
- Catch22 – A specialist treatment service in Surrey offering one-to-one support to young people and their families who are affected by substance misuse
- Hearing Dogs – information, guidance and support with hearing loss and deafness, including hearing dogs
- Mary Francis Trust – the mental health and emotional wellbeing charity for adults (16+) in Surrey
- Mind – mental health support
- NHS Mental Health Crisis – Helpline: 0800 915 4644
- Oakleaf – helping people in Surrey with their mental health through wellbeing activities and courses, work-related training, employment support and counselling
- Samaritans – Helpline: 116 123
- Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey – provides highly specialist support for people with sensory loss in Surrey
- Surrey County Council Cost of Living Support – all the financial, health and welfare advice on offer across Surrey
- Surrey Care Trust – support for people across Surrey with family matters, unemployment, skills & learning and mental health
- Surrey Drug and Alcohol Care (SDAC) – support for anyone concerned about drug/alcohol issues
- The Meeting Room – providing support in the Mole Valley and Epsom areas with issues including homelessness, poverty, physical or mental health difficulties, breakdown of relationships, social exclusion & loneliness and issues with alcohol or drugs
- Warm Welcome Scheme – run by Surrey County Council, these are local venues that residents can access for a free hot drink and other support services between November and March
- Waythrough – confidential support for mental health, drugs, alcohol or related challenges
- Waythrough – East Surrey Community Connections – provides support to individuals, aged 16+ living in East Surrey, who would like support with their mental health and wellbeing
- Age UK – information and advice for older people
- Besom Ashtead and Leatherhead – furniture provision and other help
- Besom Project Dorking – furniture provision and other help
- Crisis – national charity for people experiencing homelessness
- Clarion Housing Association
- East Surrey Outreach Service – help and support for rough sleepers
- Elderly Accommodation Counsel – accommodation search for properties for older people
- Gypsies and Travellers in Surrey – information on Surrey County Council’s website
- Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Advice and Guidance – Surrey Community Action website
- Home Group – a range of information for renters and homeowners
- Housing Exchange – house exchange/property search website
- Housing Ombudsman – if you are unable to resolve a complaint with your landlord directly, the Housing Ombudsman Service may be able to help
- Housing Options Assessment Tool – self assessment online housing advice
- Furnistore – upcycled good quality household items at an affordable or discounted price
- Land Registry – register of the ownership of land and property in England and Wales
- Leasehold Advisory Service – independent advice for residential leaseholders and park home residents
- Leatherhead START – emergency short term accommodation
- Mole Valley District Council – housing and homelessness advice and support
- Mount Green – Housing Association
- National Residential Landlords Association – membership organisation for private residential landlords in England and Wales
- Open Rent – working to make renting fairer, safer and cheaper for everyone
- Parashoot Housing Support – a service for those who are homeless or at risk of being evicted
- Refuge – support and safe temporary accommodation for women and children escaping domestic abuse
- Riverside Housing Association – supported accommodation
- SES Water – help with paying your bill
- Shelter – advice and help with housing issues and homelessness
- South West London Law Centres – advice on social welfare issues including housing, debt, immigration and employment
- StreetLink – connecting people sleeping rough to local services
- Surrey County Council – adapting your home for disabled and older people
- The Meeting Room – providing support in the Mole Valley and Epsom areas with issues including homelessness, poverty, physical or mental health difficulties, breakdown of relationships, social exclusion & loneliness and issues with alcohol or drugs
- Transform Housing Association – Supported accommodation provider
- Veterans’ Gateway – point of contact for veterans seeking support with housing, mental wellbeing, finances and more
- Victim Support – help for victims of crime
- Asylum Support Appeals Project – protecting asylum seekers’ legal rights to food and shelter
- Big Leaf Foundation – support for young people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes
- British Red Cross – services and support for refugees and people seeking asylum
- East European Resource Centre – advice and support to people from Central and Eastern Europe
- Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group – supporting people affected by immigration detention
- Here for Good – supporting migrants through high-quality legal services and strategic legal work
- Immigration Advice Authority (IAA) – search for a regulated immigration adviser. The IAA was previously called the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC))
- Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigration – advice in all areas of asylum and immigration law
- Luton Law Centre – immigration and asylum advice line
- Maternity Action – telephone and email advice to pregnant women and new parents
- Migrant Help – independent advice and guidance to assist people seeking asylum in the UK
- No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) Network – entitlement to services and support options for people who have no recourse to public funds
- Refugee Council – support for refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK
- Settled – information, advice and support to EU citizens living in the UK
- Shelter – homeless applications: immigration and residence
- South West London Law Centres – advice on social welfare issues including housing, debt, immigration and employment
- The Aire Centre – free legal advice and representation particularly to EEA nationals and their family members on free movement rights
- The 3 Million – representing EU citizens in the UK
- The Unity Project – supporting migrants who have no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
- Work Rights Centre – help for migrants to access employment justice
- 4A Law – information and support about VISAs
- Citizens Advice Witness Service – free, independent support for people in need of support at a criminal court in England or Wales
- Civil Legal Advice – check if you are eligible
- Court and Tribunal Finder – contact details and information on courts and tribunals
- Court Form Finder – court and tribunal forms for divorce, probate, deed poll, money claim, help with fees, social security tribunals and others
- Court Nav – an online tool designed to help if you are completing an application for a non-molestation and/or occupation orders (injunction) to get legal protection in England or Wales
- Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors (FLOWS) – a legal support service designed to help protect women against domestic abuse
- – Directory of Legal Aid Providers – directory of legal aid providers
- Information Commissioners Office – find out about your data protection and information rights including how to make a subject access request
- Law Society – search for a solicitor
- LawWorks – find volunteer lawyers if you need legal advice but are not eligible or cannot afford to pay
- Legal Aid – general information about legal aid
- Legal Aid Eligibility – check if you can get legal aid
- Legal Aid Providers – a list of up to date list of legal aid providers across the UK
- McKenzie Friends – support in court for those unrepresented by a solicitor
- RCJ Advice – legal advice to people with a court case in the civil and family courts in England and Wales
- Rights of Women – legal advice and information to women on the law in England and Wales
- South West London Law Centres – advice on social welfare issues including housing, debt, immigration and employment
- The University of Law – free legal advice on certain areas of law to people who are not eligible for legal aid and cannot afford to pay
- Victim Support – supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales
- Will Aid – every November, participating solicitors will write a basic will free of charge in return for a donation to Will Aid
- ACAS – free, impartial advice on workplace rights, rules and best practice
- AdviceNow – information to help you understand your rights and options
- Business Support Helpline – advice and financial help from government-backed schemes
- Christians Against Poverty – help with debt, budgeting and finding work
- Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS) – advice and assistance on issues relating to equality and human rights
- Employment Rights Guidance in 20 Languages
- Law Society – search for a solicitor
- Mole Valley Employment and Skills Hub – employment training service
- Maternity Action – telephone and email advice to pregnant women and new parents
- SSAFA Surrey – The Armed Forces Charity
- South West London Law Centres – advice on social welfare issues including housing, debt, immigration and employment
- Surrey Care Trust – support for people across Surrey with family matters, unemployment, skills & learning and mental health
- Work Rights Centre – help for migrants to access employment justice
- Connect to Support Surrey – find local care and support in your area to help you stay independent, healthy and connected to your community
- Dorking Beatitudes – as good as new children’s shop, with clothes, toys and equipment at very reasonable prices
- Leatherhead Primary Care Network – health and wellbeing support in Leatherhead, Bookham, Fetcham and Ashtead
- Repair cafés – teams of skilled volunteers doing their very best to try and repair your broken household items. Cafés located in Dorking, Epsom and Fetcham
- School Admissions – Surrey County Council
- Student Space – Support through the uncertainty of student life
- Surrey Connect Bus Service – on demand bus service across Surrey
- Technology Support from The Surrey Coalition of Disabled People – Tech Angels provide device training, digital literacy training and confidence-boosting support, whilst their website also provides how-to guides for using Zoom, Android and Apple devices
- The Community Wardrobe – aims to reduce clothing waste & provide a service to the community of donated, good condition, adult clothes
- The Journalists’ Charity – provides information, practical support and financial assistance for journalists
- The Meeting Room – providing support in the Mole Valley and Epsom areas with issues including homelessness, poverty, physical or mental health difficulties, breakdown of relationships, social exclusion & loneliness and issues with alcohol or drugs
- Warm Welcome Scheme – run by Surrey County Council, these are local venues that residents can access for a free hot drink and other support services between November and March