Fighting the Threat of Homelessness

The Problem:

Bob* had fallen behind on his rent and was facing eviction from his council house.

The Bigger Picture:

We looked closely at Bob’s finances and found anomalies in his welfare benefits. A further complication was that his son, aged eighteen, was not contributing any money to the household. We prepared a full financial statement and reported the facts at the court hearing. The Judge accepted our evidence and adjourned the case until the anomalies could be resolved. Bob agreed to pay the rent, net of his entitlement to benefits. The son agreed to pay £35 per week to help his father to pay her rent in full. The father was also ordered to pay £5 per week towards the arrears.

The Outcome:

The court case against Bob was dropped and he was able to avoid eviction from his home and repay his debt on favourable terms.

Bob and his family were able to avoid homelessness and have now started paying off his outstanding rent.

*names have been changed
